Peaks and Pushing for Outdoors Equity: Gear Kits

Financial accessibility and inclusivity have always been a foundational values of Peaks & Professors. We aim to keep trip prices affordable so that students of all socioeconomic backgrounds can participate. Every student can and should be able to benefit from meeting new professors, enjoying fresh air and exercise, and engaging with other students. To help students get outside during COVID-19 while we were not able to organize trips, we secured a microgrant from the USC Wellness Collective to put together camping gear kits for BIPOC, low-income, and any other students without necessary gear.

We’ve been having conversations to try and consider the whiteness and privilege of the outdoors in general, and we wanted to spend this year … [focusing] on increasing access to the outdoors, just because everyone deserves to enjoy that and I think now more so than ever we all need it
Colleen Corrigan