Annie Colao


Annie Colao is basically if Ron Stoppable stepped out the cartoon world and into this life.  She’s from Connecticut, which is pretty much a scaled down version of the rest of the country-- sea-side: *kind of*, good hikes: *kind of*, cities: *kind of*.  She enjoys listening to her eclectic music taste that ranges from Led Zeppelin to the Rent soundtrack when going for runs around Santa Monica and Venice, or just struggling to do homework in her room.  When she isn’t attempting to make vegan and gluten free food (sigh, her stomach sucks at being a stomach), you can find her in any body of water, any time of the year. She fully embodies her Capricorn nature by living up to being a “goat-mermaid” every day.  And if you wanna start a convo just ask her about her dog, Bubbles (fun fact he’s only 4 lbs). OH and she’s a sophomore with a major in NGOs and Social Change and a minor in Environmental Studies if people actually care about that.

AlumniTejas Ramdas2022