Daisy Qiu

Daisy is a sophomore from Kennett Square, Pennsylvania (little mushroom town!!), but also has lived in San Diego, Irvine, and Chicago (don’t ask her where her favorite place to live was - she will panic because she has decision paralysis). She loves frolicking in cornfields (as pictured) and simply laying in the grass and staring at the sky. She is studying social sciences with an emphasis in psychology, and yes, she doesn’t know anyone else studying that either. She is very indecisive, so she wants to either be an industrial organizational psychologist, teacher, clinical psychologist, occupational therapist, or eventually a professor. She gives off major grandma energy (cannot hear, creaky joints, likes to crochet, wears grandma sweaters, calls people dear). Ask her about any deep questions about life, her favorite oatmeal recipes, relationship advice, weightlifting, and Kennett square’s yearly mushroom festivals!

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