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Zionism and Anti-Zionism: Why Every College Student Should Care w/ Jessica Marglin {Religion}

What is Zionism? How is it different from Judaism? Why is this topic so controversial in today’s world, and why is it so important for college students to understand it? If you’ve ever had any of these questions, you’ve come to the right place! Get ready for some meaningful conversation with Professor Jessica Marglin, who is an expert in religion and law.

Professor Marglin will briefly share some of her own knowledge on the topic, and then we will open up to discussion with everybody. Come with questions, comments, stories, discussion points — whatever you’d like to share! Get ready to be engaged and learn a lot (from both Professor Marglin and your peers!). This is meant to be an interactive session, so get excited to participate!

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PROFESSOR: Jessica Marglin


RATE MY PROFESSOR: 4.8/5 "Professor Marglin is fantastic- knowledgable and engaging."

Professor Marglin is an expert in the history of Jews and Jewish-Muslim relations. She studies Sephardic Judaism, with a particular emphasis on the legal history of Judaism in North Africa and the Mediterranean. Her research has been published many times, and she even wrote a book about Jews and Muslims in modern Morocco! On campus, Professor Marglin teaches several different classes about law and religion.

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LEAD: Molly

Contact Molly:

Read Molly’s bio here.